Container Garden Creations – Top Tips

front porch flower pots

A container garden can jazz up your living space in swirls of colors, shapes, styles and textures. There are countless plants for upright pots, hanging baskets, window boxes, and more. Read on for tips on creating dazzling gardens horizontally, vertically and even on walls!

Benefits of a Container Garden

For those with limited space, poor soil, or unworkable terrain, a container garden is the ideal solution. Other advantages include gaining an instant garden; experimenting with varieties; growing tropical plants and succulents; dressing up bare and unsightly areas; establishing living privacy screens; enjoying nature around the home.

Plants, Pots and Placements

Popular Plants for Containers:  Whether you want a splash of color or a color wheel symphony, there are many spectacular choices. Plant some super stars, such as Begonias, Creeping Jenny, Dianthus, Lobelia, and Zinnias. Have a look at over 100 photos of creative container gardens to view various pots and plant combinations. You are sure to find great ideas!

Pot Materials: There are many container options for plant homes. Some of the most common choices are aluminum, cast stone, clay, concrete, fiberglass, plastic, terra cotta and wood. Whatever you choose, be sure there is a drainage hole in the bottom of each pot.

Container Styles: Combine container styles for a fun mingling of plants. Complement upright pots with hanging baskets, including those held on stands. Dress up building facades with wall and window boxes. Add a side-planted pot, for planting in the center and on the sides of the container. The result is a pot that’s instantly filled to the brim with beauty!

Sites: You can transform virtually any area with potted plants. Some of the top locations for a container garden are balconies, decks, garden rooms, pathways, patios, pools, porches, steps, and terraces. Note the sun and shade conditions of each location and group plants with similar needs together.

Prepping and Protecting Your Plants

Get your container plants off to their best start by filling the pots with potting mix, which allows for proper drainage and root development. Other mixes on the market are not suitable for container plants. Once planted, follow watering and feeding instructions for each variety.

And key to maintaining your container garden is keeping deer away with Bobbex Deer Repellent, because deer love container plantings as well as in ground plants. In addition to deterring deer, number one rated Bobbex contributes to plant health, with high Nitrogen and Phosphorous levels. What’s more, Bobbex is long lasting and dries on clear, so it won’t dim plant beauty. Eco-friendly Bobbex is safe for people, plants, animals, and aquatic life.

Creativity Captured in a Container

One of the most successful marriages of art and nature is a container garden. And it is easy to accomplish. Choose decorative containers, add beautiful plants, arrange in creative configurations, protect with Bobbex Deer Repellent, and immerse yourself in the grandeur!

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