Protecting The November Garden

Don’t give your November garden over to winter or hungry animals.  Protect your plantings from cold weather and furry would-be diners with some safe and simple steps. 

The November garden has a beauty all its own. Evergreens and other cool weather varieties dress landscapes with greenery, berries and flowers.

As you begin your November garden projects, many of which involve clean up and storage, be sure to provide loving care to your new and established plantings.

Here are some tips for tending and mending before winter makes its grand entrance.

Water Wisdom

Keeping plants hydrated in fall before the ground freezes is very important. For evergreens, and newly planted specimens, fall is the time for root development. And hydration is key to establishing strong roots.

If there hasn’t been rain in 10 to 14 days, give the soil a complete soaking for established plants and new additions. Watering now, two times per month before ground freeze will pay big dividends in upcoming seasons. To help with moisture retention, place a layer of mulch around your plants.

Ways To Winterize

Landscapes can be vulnerable to ice, snow and heavy winds during winter. Burlap is a good source of protection for broadleaf evergreens, such as azaleas, boxwood and hollies. Stakes for burlap should be set in the ground before it freezes.

Small trees, newly planted specimens and thin-bark varieties such as ash, linden and maple can be wrapped with paper tree wrap. Start at the bottom and work up so the paper overlaps face down, keeping moisture out. Gently secure the paper with tape or wire.

Mulch can be used around flower gardens and bulb beds. In addition to helping with water retention, mulch provides insulation from wind and ice. Snow can be another form of mulch, known as “white” mulch. As long as the snow is salt free, it can be left around the base of plantings.

Cut Back or Not?

Most pruning takes place in late winter, and spring, when the goal is to encourage new growth for the upcoming season. That is why pruning in late fall is not recommended, as winter would damage newly developing growth. However, dead, weak or diseased branches should be cut away as soon as possible, to maintain good plant health.

Some perennials will benefit from a trim in late fall and will return robust in spring and summer. Among those can be pruned before a freeze are Bearded Iris; Bee Balm; Ground Clematis; Penstemon; Phlox, and Yarrow. Visit this link for more perennials that benefit from fall pruning.

Deter Uninvited Guests

Deer and other herbivores are aware there are healthy plantings in the November Garden. And your house will become a multi-meal stop if animals are not conditioned to stay away.

Send animals the message your garden menu is at best one star. Use safe, eco-friendly Bobbex Deer Repellent on your plantings. Deer have a very keen sense of smell, and Bobbex will not smell or taste good to them. But the scent is only evident to humans for 24 hours.

Bobbex should be applied all year. It will work in almost any climate, and will not wash off after heavy rain. Winter application should not be done below 35 degrees F. During winter (dormant) season, Bobbex Repellents will endure much longer (up to two months).

Protect The November Garden

You should not turn your November garden over to winter without protecting it from cold weather perils. Likewise, don’t make the November Garden a food destination for deer and other herbivores. Take some safe and simple steps now to ensure your plantings will emerge after the thaw, energized to burst with beauty.

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