Protect the June Garden from Deer

A lush perennial garden with many colorful, healthy plants.

The June garden is always eagerly anticipated and a joy to behold! No other month reaches quite the same density and splendor. In turn, your lush plantings will be coveted by deer. Read on for tips on maintaining the health and magnificence of the June garden without deer.

Maintain Good Plant Health

Gardens will benefit from some simple maintenance, given expansive growth now. Below are some steps for keeping plants healthy and strong, to help them survive nibbling by deer. This is key because compromised plants are less able to bounce back from damage.

*Inspect plants for signs of deer damage, insect pests, and diseases. If noted, share a photo with a trusted garden professional for proper identification so the issue can be treated properly and promptly.

*Trim and/or prune select plants. Overlapping plants and encroaching vines can spread disease and stunt plant growth. In addition, damaged plants that fall prey to deer munching will most likely not recover. As not all plants should be pruned now, take a look at HGTV’s guide to what you should be pruning in June. A bonus to this trimming is more blooms!  

*Monitor gardens for signs of drought. June temperatures can be variable, so keep soil moist but not soaked. This will help prevent fungal issues.

*Weed and mulch. Eliminate weeds and dispose of them away from the area. Add just a couple inches of mulch around plants, which will aid in weed suppression and water retention. Too much mulch will interfere with aeration and water flow.

Deter Deer with Obstacles

While keeping plants healthy helps them manage attacks, it is best to prevent deer from destroying your plants to begin with. Create physical obstacles to make it difficult for deer to reach desired plants.

-Move outdoor furniture and décor around to limit garden access.

-Plant tall evergreens deer don’t like around the perimeter to shield the entrance.

-Add another layer of deterrence with plants that repel deer by smell, taste and texture. Examples include scents of peonies and salvia, taste turn-offs of daffodils and poppies, and tickling textures such as agave and lamb’s ears.  

Better Plants with Bobbex

Your plants are now soaring to great heights! Give your June garden the best chance to sustain its glory by deterring deer. Cover plants with safe, long-lasting #1 rated Bobbex Deer Repellent.

In an independent test conducted by the CT State Dept. of Forestry and Agriculture, Bobbex was ranked #1, higher than all other brands in keeping deer away from yews, an evergreen favorite. With a 93% protective index score, Bobbex was second only to a physical fence.

Bobbex Repellents are sprayed directly on bud, bloom, leaf, and stem. In addition to being eco-friendly, these repellents aid in vegetation development, given their high levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorous. Get better plants with Bobbex!

The Joys of the June Garden

The June garden is one of the most robust and in turn a major draw for deer seeking a buffet. Preserve your beautiful plants by keeping them healthy and protected with Bobbex. Once you have taken steps to shield your treasures, relax and take in the joys of the June garden!  

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