Mulch Vs. Nuggets
Mulch vs. Nuggets
Now that Memorial Day is here, most yards have been cleaned up, fertilized and ready for summer. Because it has been a slow start to spring perhaps the last big job is what to cover the landscape beds with?
Today most gardeners use mulch in their beds to cover the soil helping control weeds and retain moisture. Mulch comes in different colors brown black gold even red. No disrespect to Lucile Ball but bright red, doesn’t work for me in the yard. Once the beds are cleaned, weeded and edged a layer of mulch, whatever color, gives a yard a very clean crisp look.
Unfortunately that clean look barely lasts past the 4th of July! By the time Labor Day approaches most bed do not look as if they were mulched at all. Somehow the mulch seems to slowly have disappeared lost most of its coloring and has little effect on weed control.
If you know this is going to happen and do not mind mulching again in the fall then mulch is for you. I would rather use the old standby landscape nuggets. Nuggets come in one color brown but different sizes mini and large. Nuggets made from pine bark will last for years and do the same job as mulch, control weeds and help retain moisture. The only time nuggets get taken from the beds is during fall or spring clean-ups. Every year I add a few bags of nuggets to my front bed saving me time and money.
Choosing mulch or nuggets is a personal preference but is part of preserving the beauty of your summer landscape. Just like regular watering and weeding, using an animal repellent throughout the summer will keep them from getting munched on and looking tired.
Whatever ground cover you choose, mulch or nuggets, I hope this task is done before the weekend giving us all time to honor those who have served.