How To Grow a Hosta Garden

Healthy Hostas thrive in the garden, due to being protected by Bobbex Deer Repellent.

Do you want a Hosta garden but hesitate because deer favor these plants? You can grow healthy Hostas without deer feasting on them. Read on for tips on growing one of the most popular and visually striking perennials.

A Top Solution for Shade

There are no more beautiful and reliable plants for shade than Hostas. Robust and easy to grow, Hostas brighten areas with bursts of blue, chartreuse, gold, green, variegated and white! Though known best for colorful foliage, Hostas can also offer both bloom and fragrance.

Hundreds of choices abound, sizes range from miniature to extra-large, and Hostas are suited for virtually every growing zone. Though touted as shade-loving, some Hostas tolerate light sun. Given their varied features, there is a Hosta for every need and taste.

Hosta Gardens Transform the Landscape

Magical changes take place when you add decorative, versatile Hostas to your yard. Here are some design ideas to consider:

*Create a tropical oasis. Oversized Hosta leaves evoke a sense of lush, faraway lands.

*Line a path with Hostas for visual allure.

*Spice up container gardens.

*Plant short Hostas as groundcover under trees.

*Combine different Hosta varieties, or group with other shade-loving plants.

*Add to a spring-flowering bulb garden. Hostas emerge as bulbs fade.

Planning and Planting the Hosta Garden

First, identify shady areas you want to beautify with Hostas. Plant selection will be partly driven by space allotment and shade density of these areas.

Then, have some fun making Hosta choices! A visit to a local nursery for ideas is a good start.  Once you’ve found plants for consideration, online nurseries give you additional sources for hard-to-find varieties. Here are some great online Hosta search links: Better Homes and Gardens for 26 top Hostas; National Gardening Association which allows you to search by plant characteristics; and another by NGA offering other Hosta search options.       

Now, it’s time to set up and plant. Organize materials for digging in advance, making sure tools are clean and sanitized. Basic tools needed include a spade, shovel, and compost. For details on how to get started and planting tips, see Plant Addicts’ article on planting Hostas.

Add Bobbex Hosta Help!

Some people will avoid planting Hostas because they’re a deer magnet, but there’s a better solution than not growing them.

Bobbex Deer Repellent has been helping gardeners grow awesome Hostas without deer interference for years. The key is to coat the plants with eco-friendly Bobbex Deer Repellent as soon as the plants go into the soil. Follow-up with applications as new growth emerges, to help ensure deer don’t dine on your lovely Hostas.

Bobbex is long-lasting, won’t wash off and deters deer gently. The ingredients, which include garlic, clove oils, and fish meal, turn deer off with scent and taste. Bobbex is safe for people, pets, wildlife, and aquatic life. What’s more, it really works! It’s been rated #1 in an independent test of 10 leading deer repellents.

The Ultimate Hosta Garden

Some describe a Hosta garden as an artist’s palette, which is apt. The varying colors, leaf shapes, and patterns, which include striated, striped and veined, are feasts for the eyes. You can easily create this visual feast. Follow the tips in this article, protect your Hostas with Bobbex and you will have the ultimate Hosta Garden!  

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