Garden Planning For Success

Are you ready for the colors, textures and scents of spring? It’s time for garden planning! Some simple preparation now will bring delightful rewards, whether you grow annuals, perennials, edibles or some combination.Novice or seasoned grower, planning can be a big part of the joy and art of gardening. Here are some tried-and-true steps that will maximize success, minimize indecision—and help protect your garden from wildlife.
Garden Designs
There are no limits to how you can create your dream garden. Here are a few tips to help identify a spot for plantings.
*Take a walk around your home and choose an area where there is space for new plantings.
*Once you’ve selected the location, take note of the hours of sun the area enjoys daily. Sun-loving plants and vegetables need 6+ hours of full sun, though some plants thrive on less.
*Decide which existing trees, shrubs, and other plantings you want to include. In addition to offering their own brand of beauty and interest, mature plantings can help your new plants by blocking wind or providing shade.
*Test the soil, as soil needs may drive some of your plant choices. If you don’t have a soil tester, your county agricultural extension office can assist with this.
*Layouts can be casual or intricate. Consider whether you’ll include a path, walkway, water features, or sitting areas in your garden.
What to Grow?
Your decisions about which plants or edibles to grow will be driven in part by the conditions in your area, needs of the plants and your own preferences.
Growing Conditions
Two key factors that will help guide you to the most appropriate plant choices are the hours of sunlight, and soil test results in your designated spot. With these two pieces of information on local growing conditions, you can begin to make your list of plants. Some good resources are gardening websites, seed catalogs, garden centers and neighbors!
Needs of the Plants
In addition to the local climate, you need to know what your selections need in terms of sunlight, soil, air temperature, and moisture. This information should help you to add and eliminate some of the varieties on your list.
Your Preferences
Your needs and preferences are also vital to the creation of your garden! You may have a plan to grow vegetables and herbs, for a continuous supply of fresh food. Perhaps you would like to grow flowering plants in varying shades of purple or want flowers from early spring through late fall. What fun you can have choosing plants from the “menu” of varieties that are well-matched for your climate.
Send an Uninvite to Animals!
Everything begins to bloom in spring, including appetites of animals large and small. Here are some tips for keeping your plants safe, healthy and thriving:
*Remove weeds, as they will attract hungry animals and take nutrients, water and sun away from your plantings. Once animals munch on the weeds, they will move to feast on the prime plants.
* Herbs and veggies do best when protected by wire or some other material that keeps animals from nibbling.
*Consider planting some deer resistant varieties, which will add beauty and a level of protection to your landscape.
*Apply Bobbex repellents which provide an eco-friendly solution to keeping the herbivores away from your gardens. You won’t smell Bobbex past the application day, and it’s safe for you and your pets. It maintains plant health not only by keeping them from being eaten, but by helping them retain moisture. Our products can be used directly on non-edible plants. For edibles see how to apply Bobbex on vegetable products.
*For gardeners in Canada, where deer and rabbits are the biggest threats, we offer our specially formulated Deer and Rabbit Repellent. This repellent is among a select few to meet safety standards there.
To order in the U.S., visit
Customers in Canada can order their Deer and Rabbit Bobbex at this website
Start Your Garden Planning Now
Spring will be here before long. Start turning your dream garden into a reality! Scout your location, peruse plant lists, and get your Bobbex supplies ready for garden.