Don’t Stop Bobbexing! 8 Reasons to continue to protect…

*Bobbexing:  [bob-bex-ing] v: the act of spraying Bobbex Repellent, n: a year round program that allows Bobbex users to protect their property from deer and small animal damage.

Just when you thought you could take a break from the upkeep of your landscape, you remember that deer do not hibernate.   Will they move on from your hosta to your shrubs?  You better believe it!

8 Reasons to continue to protect landscapes with Bobbex during the fall and winter:

  1. Deer can do major damage to trees and shrubs because other food sources are hard to come by
  2. Deer will ravage buds and leaves before they even have a chance to grow in the spring
  3. Unless deer are given a reason to change their browsing trail they will continue to visit your yard
  4. Hungry deer are resourceful deer that will jump, push through or dig under fences
  5. Replacing the harm done to homeowner’s landscaping is very costly
  6. Bucks will damage and break unprotected plantings in the fall while marking their territory
  7. Pumpkins and mums are decorative this time of year but look like food to deer and small animals
  8. Dipping your bulbs in Bobbex-R concentrate will give your bulbs a chance to survive when planted and all winter long

Winter weather can do enough damage to your trees and plantings without having to worry about the pests in your yard.  So before you sit down to watch your favorite football team play on Sunday or before you Snow Birds head south, remember:  If you are not Bobbexing, you are not protecting!


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