Deer-Resistant Shrubs and Trees for Fall Planting

Kerria japonica photo

If you’re doing some Fall planting and you live in “deer country,” choosing deer-resistant shrubs and trees can help avoid future problems. There are plenty of beautiful options that fit the bill!Deer tend to avoid plants that are aromatic, prickly, or poisonous. Here are a few of the top deer-resistant shrubs and trees.

There Are Many Flowering Shrubs and Trees That Are Deer-Resistant

Amelanchier (Serviceberry). Tree or shrub, depending on the cultivar. Lilac-like white flowers and edible fruit.

Buddleia (Butterfly Bush). Sun-loving shrub with fragrant blooms favored by butterflies and hummingbirds.

Caryopteris (Bluebeard). Late summer blooming shrub with brilliant blue flowers — they are drought tolerant when established.

Deutzia (Deutzia). Profuse spring bloomer with multi-season interest. This is a mounding shrub that grows in sun or shade.

Kerria japonica (Japanese Kerria). A cheery yellow spring-flowering shrub with attractive green stems.

Spiraea (Spirea). Easy-to-grow shrub for full sun or light shade. Both spring and summer blooming varieties are available.

This is a List of Evergreen Shrubs and Trees That Are Deer-Resistant

Buxus (Boxwood). Versatile shade-loving shrub. Wide variety of heights and growth habits to choose from.

Leucothoe (Leucothoe). Low-growing easy-care shrub adaptable to a wide variety of growing conditions.

Picea abies (Norway Spruce). Fast-growing sturdy conifer that makes a particularly good windbreak.

Pieris japonica (Japanese Andromeda). Graceful shrub with year-round interest. Ideal for shady sites with acid soil.

Pinus strobus (White Pine). Stately evergreens for sunny, well-drained sites. Smaller cultivars also available.

Here Are More Deer Defense Techniques

While deer tend to avoid the plants listed above, they’ll browse just about anything to survive if they’re famished enough. That’s why some extra protection is always a good idea.

The easiest way to ensure your new trees and shrubs don’t become midwinter deer snacks is to spray them with Bobbex Deer Repellent. Rated #1 in independent studies, Bobbex works nearly as well as a physical fence. What’s more, it’s safe, all-natural and long-lasting.

How to Use Bobbex

Spray it on when the temperature is above 35° F, and it will provide protection for your trees and shrubs for up to two months.

Couple deer-resistant plantings with top-rated Bobbex, and hungry deer will be looking elsewhere for their next meal.

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