Bobbex Deer and Small Animal Repellents: Common Questions Answered

man spraying plants with Bobbex photo

Do you have questions about keeping deer and small animal pests out of your garden with Bobbex repellents? You’ve come to the right place! Here are answers to the questions we receive most often:

Does Bobbex really work? Absolutely! In an independent test conducted by the Connecticut Department of Forestry and Horticulture, Bobbex was rated the most effective of 10 deer repellents, second only to a physical fence. Click here to learn more about the study.

Does it wash off? No, Bobbex is not water soluble. It’s formulated to stick to plant surfaces and stay on. Even through rain, irrigation, and normal watering, it will remain effective. Over time, Bobbex will be absorbed into the plant so you’ll eventually have to spray again. And of course, you’ll need to protect new growth as it appears.

Will bottles of Bobbex freeze in cold weather? Yes, but freezing doesn’t harm the repellent. Upon thawing, it’s just as potent as before and can be used normally. Because Bobbex expands on freezing like any liquid, the container bottoms may “round out,” making it harder for them to stand up straight. But storing Bobbex in an unheated shed or garage won’t affect its efficacy at all.

Is Bobbex safe? Bobbex is completely safe when used as directed—even for deer and other animals. While they hate its taste and smell, it doesn’t harm them. Likewise, it won’t hurt aquatic species if it gets in lakes, ponds or streams. It’s made from all natural and recycled ingredients, without any petrochemicals or synthetics.

Will it work on vegetables? Do not apply Bobbex directly to vegetables, herbs, fruits or other edibles. Even though it’s all natural, it will taste just as bad to you as it does to the deer, and it won’t wash off. That said, you can apply it to the perimeter of your food garden for limited protection, without affecting the taste of your vegetables.

How do I know what pests are in my yard? Good question, because it’s not always obvious. Your garden may be suffering from deer damage, but other browsing pests include rabbits, chipmunks, voles, squirrels, and groundhogs. For help determining who the culprit is, check these links.

When should Bobbex be applied? All year round, although there are different considerations with each season.

In the spring, start spraying when the first half-inch of the plant is out of the ground. Respray after every two inches of growth, roughly every 10-14 days.

In summer, spray in the morning when temperatures are cooler. If it gets over 85 degrees, the magnification of the sun through the liquid on a plant’s surface can harm the plant.

During fall and winter, keep spraying evergreens to make sure deer keep avoiding them as food supplies dwindle. Spray only when temperatures are above 35 degrees, to prevent the water in Bobbex from freezing on the plant.

Do you have other questions that don’t appear here? Check our page Frequently Asked Questions or give us a call at 800-792-4449. We’re here to help!


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